Georgian Public attitudes to a tobacco free environment
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FCTC Implementation and Monitoing Center, Georgia
Georgian Public Health Institute, Georgia
Georgian Institute of Social Studies and Analyses, Georgia
Submission date: 2017-05-08
Acceptance date: 2017-05-08
Publication date: 2017-05-25
Corresponding author
George Bakhturidze   

FCTC Implementation and Monitoing Center in Georgia, 4, Vani st, 0119 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2017;3(May Supplement):95
The aim of this study is to examine the Georgian public attitudes with regards to a tobacco free environment.

Material and Methods:
Quantitative research method was used to study the research question. The study target was the Georgian population 18 age and older. Sample size: 1050 respondents. Field work lasted 15 days (April, 2016). After the completion of the fieldwork, monitoring data encoding and its entry into SPSS. Different methods were used for data processing for example: data frequency distribution, average counting, cross tabulation.

The study showed that 30.6% of the respondents use tobacco. 14.6% was a tobacco consumer in the past, while 54.8% were never smokers. Men were higher represented among smokers (55%) than women. From 322 smoker respondents 312 are daily smokers (96.8% of smokers; overall sample- 29.6%). The overwhelming majority of participants agree that tobacco use is a major problem in Georgia (90.6%) as for the general public, and with respect to young people.Smoking ban support in public places varies from 89-92%. As for smoking ban support in cafes and restaurants, and other public catering places, support level is at minimum 79.1%. 91.8% supports banning of advertisement and promotion of tobacco.Among clients of restaurants, cafes and other catering places smoking ban is supported by 77.9% of the population. 69.2% of respondents indicated that in case of prohibition the frequency of their visits to catering facilities will not be changed, while 17.3% think that it will be even increased. 9.8% of respondents said that the ban would reduce the amount of visits.

In overall, it is clear that absolutely majority of the Georgian population supports strong tobacco control measures. The most important finding is that after the smoking ban in hospitality facilities the number of population visits compared to today’s visits will be increased.

The study was funded in scope of Bloomberg Philanthropies Grant through Tobacco Free Kinds. Study was conducted by Georgian Institute of Social Studies and Analyses by cooperation with the FCTC Implementation and Monitoring Center in Georgia and Georgian Public Health Institute.
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