Moist snuff an emerging trend – Regulations
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FFO Support Program, Sheikhupura, Pakistan
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A66
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Almost 10 million Pakistanis use SLT. But moist Snuff is being excessively used throughout Pakistan. To identify manufacturing units, ingredients information, child labor and user’s perceptions in the context of comprehensive tobacco control efforts.

It has been observed that moist snuff is being excessively used in Islamabad (ICT) and Rawalpindi districts in the recent years comparatively five years before.

To spread awareness among the masses about its ill - effects and policy makers for regulations by enacting “Tobacco Laws (TVA-1958) “1979” and “2002”.

Study conducted in districts Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Observations, Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. A sample size of 20 was drawn from 74 manufacturing units determined through tabular method. The sample size of 200 respondents were interviewed, 10 from at each manufacturing units from 20 sampled manufacturing units list on first ten come basis.

More than 200 brands are in the market • 53% manufacturing business duration is 5 years
• Manufacturing cost is only 5 to 6 Rupees / 5 grams sachet & purchase price is 10.Rps
• Prevalence increased 31% within 2 to 5 years, followed 11.66% in 10 years
• 59% users are labour and small business
• 24% usage in local brand very low quality increases in mouth & stomach problems
• 75% are addicts as per addiction standard
• 63% users switch to snuff by self perception, clinical or psychological motives
• 25% manufacturing units are violation child labours
• 46% consider it an intoxicant; they get reliefs from anxiety, fatigue and stress
• 22% are dual users.

Government policies and self perception is cause of increase. Further evidence is needed to support policy development.
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