Nicotine pouches perception among its users – in-depth interviews with young Polish adults
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Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Lukasz Balwicki   

Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A35
Nicotine pouches (NPs) are gaining popularity. These are small, white sacs, which include nicotine in the form of salts enriched with several types of additives, mainly different types of flavors. Lack of tobacco in the NPs is an important factor that is used in communication strategies of its producers. Despite the above characteristics, there is still insufficient data on patterns of use, motivations, as well as perceptions of this new, emerging product. The aim of the study was to broaden the knowledge on perceptions of NPs among its users in relation to other tobacco products.

Qualitative approach was utilized. In December 2022 there were seventeen structured In-depth Interviews (IDIs) conducted. The sample included of adults aged 18-22, both male and female.

We found that from NPs users’ perspective, these products are seen as a better alternative to other tobacco products. The arguments were: they do not produce smoke, so they do not smell nor affect/bother other people. Because of lack of smoke or vapor, they are seen as are healthier than traditional cigarettes or electronic ones. They can be hidden while using, so are ideal for those who want to be discrete, ex because are ashamed of their nicotine addiction. NPs are also seen as products for smarter/clever people who take care of health or want to be physically active while continuing addiction.

Nicotine pouches image is superior to other tobacco products. They are seen as healthy way of nicotine intake. Such perception can speed up their popularity.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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