Perception and practices of Shisha smoking among Kafr El-Sheikh University students, Egypt
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Faculty of Medicine - Tanta University, Egypt
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A121
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College life is a critical transition stage through which young adults set out to discover tobacco use.

To identify students’ perception and practices towards Shisha smoking and factors influencing it.

The study included 953 randomly chosen students form faculties of medicine and engineering using a structured questionnaire for data collection.

Ever Shisha smokers represented 26.1% of study participants, and 22.5% were current Shisha smokers. Current smokers among engineering students represented 43.6% compared to 3.8% of medical students. In faculty of engineering 51.3% of Shisha smokers reported smoking Shisha only compared to 42.1% among medical students. Smoking for two or more years was reported by 47.4% of medical students compared to 34.9% of engineering students. Traditional Café was the preferred place for shisha smoking for both medical and engineering students (68.4% & 63.6%, respectively). Peer pressures was cause for starting Shisha smoking (63.1%) followed by curiosity (29.4%), then entertainment (26.2%). Regarding reasons for continuing Shisha smoking, more than two thirds of participants reported "Anxiety or tension", followed by "Keeping pace with friends or relatives" (69.6% & 66.4%, respectively). Nearly two fifths (39.7%) of Shisha smokers tried to quit. Nearly two fifths (42.4%) couldn`t quit for more than one month, and 10.6% tried to quit for about one year but failed.

Shisha smoking prevalence was relatively not high. Anti-smoking interventions and campaigns should be implemented for university students to keep it low.
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