Prevalence of e-cigarettes use among Ukrainian youth: new challenge for public health?
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NGO Advocacy Center Life, Ukraine
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A5
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There is lack of e-cigarettes regulation in Ukraine. They are available for everyone without age restriction. Aggressive marketing and delay with adoption of necessary laws contribute in increase of e-cigarettes prevalence among adolescents. New electronic products appear at the market and lack of regulatory measures may eliminate all tobacco control efforts and lead to serious challenges for public health.
First questions about e-cigarettes use by youth were included into ESPAD (age of respondents was 15-17 years). In 2017, GYTS (age of respondents was 13 - 15 years) also revealed some data about e-cigarettes. Another data were got due to research about e-cigarettes marketing and regulation conducted with support of WHO and JHU.
ESPAD found that in 2015 in Ukraine the share of young people (15-17 years old) who were current users of e-cigarettes was 5.5%. However, in 2017 according to GYTS results, overall 18.4% of young people (13 - 15 years old) were current users of e-cigarettes (in contrast to 9.2% who smoked regular cigarettes).
Research on the e-cigarettes marketing demonstrated that e-cigarettes are actively promoted, especially for young people. At the same time, the market of e-cigarettes is not regulated in Ukraine resulted in lack of control for quality of devices and liquids which are sold to users, including minors.
Lack of any e-cigarettes regulation in Ukraine and aggressive promotion of these products result in high percentage of adolescents (13-15 years old) who are current smokers of e-cigarettes. Also it causes problems with quality control so these products can be a direct threat to health and life of people and become new challenge to the public health of Ukraine.