Profile, attitude and influence of health professionals in theuser against tobacco in the area of health of Tenerife
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Primary Care Management of Tenerife, Canarian Health Service, Spain
Health Center of Tincer, Canarian Health Service, Spain
Health Center of Barrio de la Salud, Canarian Health Service, Spain
Health Center of Finca España, Canarian Health Service, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Corresponding author
Raquel Pestana Rodríguez   

Primary Care Management of Tenerife, Canarian Health Service, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A194
Smoking is a chronic addictive disease and the first cause of avoidable death in thedeveloped world. Several studies confirmed the significant impact of the health councilin the cessation of smoking and the great weight that the figure of the healthcareprofessional has in the prevention and approach to smoking, thus needing qualified health professionals to control this epidemic. To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of health professionals regardingsmoking and to know the perspective of the user about the role of the model inthe health professional's smoking.

Descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study (n = 204 healthprofessionals, 75 users). The data collection is carried out for 5 months and two questionnaire modelsare prepared: one with an online format for the health professional and anotherin paper format for the user, both of anonymous and voluntary nature.

Health Professional: - The prevalence of smoking in the sample studied is 22.66% - The 62.56% of the intervention that is given, is level 1 (brief advice) - The 30.40% still consider smoking as a vice instead of a chronic addictivedisease - Only 13.8% identify correctly the pharmacological treatments with scientificevidence for the approach to smoking. User: - The 76.68% receive anti-smoking advice from health personnel. - The 66.5% consider that the health personnel should have a model behaviorwith respect to smoking.

It is necessary to improve the levels of intervention and knowledge of the healthprofessional about smoking, in addition to reducing the prevalence in the healthprofessional to increase the effectiveness of the interventions in the smokeruser due to the impact of their exemplary behavior.
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