Quitlines in Europe: Overview and developing a network
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Trimbos Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Trimbos Institute, The Netherlands Expertise Centre for Tobacco Control, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Independent researcher, The Netherlands
Department of Health Promotion, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Publication date: 2024-10-17
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(Supplement 1):A67
Quitlines are telephone-based services that provide help with smoking cessation. They can offer multiple services. Even though there are national quitlines in many European countries, there was no comprehensive overview of each quitline and how the services offered fit into the country’s overall tobacco control strategy. The aim was to systematically investigate European quitlines' services and how those services fit within the national tobacco control strategies.

Material and Methods:
The study team (authors ST, BHW, PS) collected data about quitlines in Europe from a variety of sources. We first conducted a pragmatic literature review to gain insight into existing quitlines in Europe and their functions. We then extracted data from the websites of each quitline. We collected additional data through quantitative and qualitative surveys that were sent to representatives of all quitlines in Europe.

We identified best practices that may be disseminated throughout Europe based on all the data collected. We also developed a European Quitlines Network to provide more opportunities to collaborate and exchange best practices between quitlines.

We formulated the following recommendations for European quitlines that may help to increase their reach and effectiveness. These include improving the visibility and quality of information on quitline websites, providing proactive e-referrals to increase the number of smokers enrolled in quitline services, offering multiple counseling sessions and discussing using NRT and cessation medication during these sessions, sharing experiences on the use of digital tools to improve service delivery with other quitlines, improving morale and social support for quitline professionals in small organizations or when working from home, and increasing the harmonization of data collection and evaluation of quitlines.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Funding is not provided.
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