Smoking and oxidative stress among patients with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
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Psychiatric Private Practice, Cagnes sur Mer, France
Clinical Hospital of Pulmonary Diseases, Iasi, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy ‘Grigore T. Popa’ Iasi, Iasi, Romania
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A53
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Oxidative stress is induced by tobacco smoking and is also associated with anxiety and depression, two common psychiatric disorders, frequently associated with tobacco use.

The aim of this study was to correlate tobacco use and mixed anxious-depressive disorder with oxidative stress markers useful in clinical practice.

Material and Methods:
A study assessing uric acid, vitamin C and malondialdehyde, as oxidative stress markers, was conducted in 31 smokers versus non-smokers with mixed anxious-depressive disorder. Other useful parameters assessed were: serum cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine. Smoking profile was quantified by the number of pack-years (PY) and the Fagerström nicotine dependence score (FNDS) with exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) validation, while mixed anxious-depressive disorder was certified by the Hamilton Anxiety/Depression Scale (HAM-A/D.)

In both smokers and non-smokers were found very high values of the HAM-A anxiety evaluation score (17–41) as well as for the HAM-D depression evaluation score (12–26), as most subjects were diagnosed with severe anxiety and moderate depression. Malondialdehyde (MDA), serum concentration was significantly increased in 73% of the smokers, while vitamin C was lower in 90% of both smoking and non-smoking patients. Lower concentrations of uric acid were found in smokers, suggesting a decreased endogenous production. The correlation matrix between the biochemical and the clinical parameters for the assessment of oxidative stress in smokers and non-smokers diagnosed with mixed anxious-depressive disorder had statistically significant correlation coefficients (r=0.39–0.84; p˂0.05), which could explain the variation in serum MDA and Vitamin C concentrations depending on the severity of the nicotine dependence.

Tobacco smoking amplifies oxidative stress described in psychiatric disorders. Monitoring most important biomarkers of both tobacco exposure and of oxidative stress can improve mixed anxious-depressive disease management.
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