Smoking cessation counseling: a survey among tuberculosis patients in Armenia
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American University of Armenia, Turpanjian School of Public Health, Armenia
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A39
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Smoking negatively affects tuberculosis (TB) treatment outcomes and increases the risk of recurrence. TB healthcare providers (HCP) are in regular contact with their patients and have a unique opportunity to deliver smoking cessation interventions at every encounter. This study aimed to explore the provision of smoking cessation services among TB patients in Armenia.

Interviewer-administered phone survey was conducted among adult TB patients (excluding prisoners and patients with psychiatric diseases) within 2 months after completion of the treatment. The smoking cessation services were assessed according to "5 A's" strategy.

Out of 163 TB patients who completed the survey, 58.3% (n=95) were smokers during their last treatment (77.6% of males). Majority of smokers (92.6%) were asked about their smoking status (Ask) and 89.5% received cessation advice from HCP (Advice). Around 33.0% of the smokers were asked about their interest in quitting (Assess). Only 5.3% of patients received a cessation assistance from HCP (Assist) and 6.3% reported about follow up appointments to discuss smoking (Arrange). Around 60.0% of smokers made a quit attempt during the treatment and 25.3% were abstinent during the last two weeks of the treatment (quitters). However, 45.8% of quitters relapsed and were current smokers at the time of the interview.

The TB patients did not receive recommended smoking cessation counselling according to 5 “A’s” model. There is a need for further integration of smoking cessation assistance into TB care in Armenia to increase the quitting rate, decrease the relapse rate among quitters and consequently improve TB treatment outcomes.
Global Bridges Healthcare Alliance for Tobacco Dependence Treatment, hosted by Mayo Clinic and Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning and Change.
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