Smoking-cessation public awareness campaign and its effectiveness among population
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National Institute of Health named after academician S. Avdalbekyan, MoHRA, Armenia
Publication date: 2019-03-26
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(Supplement):A44
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There are a lot of antitobacco public awareness campaigns combined with different surveillance activities which have been associated with decreased smoking prevalence and the exposure of second hand smoke and cigarette consumption. In 2018 RA MOH National Institute of Health organized a campaign aimed to identify the most effective methods to increase the awareness of the general public on the harmful effects of smoking and of exposure to secondhand smoke and suggest them different tips for quitting.

The concept of the campaign was based on the analogous French campaign called “Moi(s) sans Tabac” meaning “me (month) without tobacco.” The Armenian version of the campaign was named “Quit10” and had three objectives: to inform people about the harmful consequences of cigarettes and the exposure of second hand smoke, second-to involve public through social media messaging and public events, and third was to challenge people to quit during 10 days, meanwhile encourage them to join us and also to “transmit” surroundings to quit smoking. The campaign consisted of social media campaign and public events, during which we provided free smoking cessation counseling to smokers and measured breath carbon monoxide (CO) level using that monitors in public places.

During the two-day public event, we had approximately 400 participants. The main conclusion of the campaign was that for higher effectiveness of the campaign the best tools are the most interactive tools which engage youth easily. In our campaign we used devices for measuring carbon monoxide level in peoples’ lungs which proved to be an effective method for attracting young people’s attention on the dangers of smoking (“pollution of their lungs”) and encourage them to quit smoking.
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