The We Can Quit2 trial knowledge exchange and dissemination plan: Future research and policy priorities from a community perspective
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Public Health & Primary Care, Institute of Population Health, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Irish Cancer Society, Dublin, Ireland
Health Service Executive, Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Public and Patient Involvement (PPI), University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
School of Health and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
HRB Trials Methodology Research Network, School of Nursing and Midwifery, College of Medicine, Nursing, and Health Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Usher Institute, College of Medicine and Veterinary Science, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Publication date: 2021-12-10
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2021;7(Supplement):15
We Can Quit2 (WCQ2) was community-based randomised controlled trial developed to assess the feasibility and acceptability of We Can Quit (WCQ), a stop-smoking programme comprising group support and free nicotine replacement therapy, designed for women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged (SED) areas in Ireland. Reengagement with stakeholders involved in trial conduct was a part of the WCQ2 Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination plan.

To discuss strategies to optimise community engagement, recruitment and retention in a future definitive trial (DT), and the policy priorities arising from the trial.

Community stakeholders involved in trial recruitment and planning, Irish Cancer Society and Health Service Executive representatives were invited to an online interactive workshop in November 2020. Key trial findings were presented. Workshop discussion (field notes) and responses to a post-event anonymous questionnaire informed a list of challenges and suggestions for a DT and policy development from a community perspective.

Forty-one stakeholders attended the workshop, six completed the questionnaire. Significant time was needed for community engagement. Use of social prescribing was suggested as a recruitment tool. Low literacy was a barrier to women's recruitment and retention. Greater adaptation of trial data and assistance to complete forms were recommended. Women's stress and lack of support from family affected retention. An intervention boost after WCQ delivery, encouragement of women to join other healthy community programmes to maintain their group and to incorporate family in the programme were recommended to facilitate retention and enhance sustainability. Removal of cost and administrative barriers to access NRT and provision of stop-smoking support tailored to disadvantaged groups were identified as policy priorities.

The workshop provided a suitable forum to engage community and statutory stakeholders. Results outlined important strategies to enhance design of a DT assessing WCQ effectiveness. Lessons learned may be relevant for other community-based health promotion interventions.
C. B. Hayes reports grants from HRB and Enterprise Ireland during the conduct of the study. C. Darker reports grants from HRB during the conduct of the study.
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