Tobacco treatment of indigent patients alcoholics rehabilitation in the Association Rauxa
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Associació Rauxa, Barcelona, Spain
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Corresponding author
ML. Marín   

Associació Rauxa c/ Doctor Rizal, 14, bajos 08006 Barcelona, Spain
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A128
Smoking is the leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the world and the leading cause of death in alcoholics. The prevalence of smoking among alcohol addicts is very high as among homeless people. Both groups have a higher risk of smoking-related illnesses. It seems that quitting smoking increases the rate of alcohol abstinence. It is therefore crucial to perform treatment of tobacco dependence among this population.

Population: Homeless alcoholic patients in treatment at the Association Rauxa with dependence criteria DSM-IV-TR and DSM-V, male, over 18 years. Anamnesis, examination, analysis, chest X-ray, addictive history is practiced. Patients are encouraged to start smoking treatment. Once the decision is made: Tests: motivation, Fagerstrom; fasting weight; weekly and random monitoring of CO in exhaled air. Treatment with decreasing nicotine patches. Weekly smoking therapies. Withdrawal symptoms and relapse, timely or complete, if it occurs, are evaluated. Treatment ends in one year without relapse.

N=237 (2006:N=19; 2007:N=26; 2008:N=24; 2009:N=33; 2010:N=31; 2011:N=25; 2012:N=33; 2013:N=25 y 2014:N= 21) Get high on2006:10/19( 53%); 2007:14/26( 54%); 2008:13/24 (54%); 2009:9/33 (27%); 2010:6/31 (19%); 2011:2/25 (8%); 2012:8/33(24%); 2013:9/25 (36%); 2014:11/21 (52%). In 9 years, 82/237 (35%) finish treatment without relapse.

Α percentage of 35% are discharged. Different parameters-relapse are correlated to see predictors of relapse. No correlation is found statistically significant.
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