Tobacco use among adults: A 5-year assessment of the national program for smoking reduction
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Santé Publique France, Paris, France
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A74
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In France, since 2014, the fight against smoking has been enhanced by the implementation of national programs. Every year, 75000 deaths are estimated to be attributed to smoking in France.

This study aims to estimate the smoking rate in 2019 and the trends over the past 5 years since the implementation of the national programs.

Data come from the Santé publique France Health Barometer, a national telephone survey with random sampling. In the 2014 and 2019 editions, 15186 and 9611 adults were asked about their tobacco consumption, respectively. The 2019 data are currently being analyzed and will be available for the congress; the 2018 results will be updated with 2019 data.

In 2018, 32.0% of those aged 18–75 years reported being smokers (35.3% men and 28.9% women). Daily smoking rate was 25.4% (28.2% men and 22.9% women). Since 2014, smoking rate is down by 2.3 points and by 3.1 points for daily smoking rate. The prevalence of daily smoking is decreasing among men and women separately, and among all age groups from 18–54 years.
For the first time since 2000, the prevalence of daily smoking has decreased among the most disadvantaged smokers. Social inequalities are no longer increasing but remain pronounced, with a 12-point difference in daily smoking rate between unemployed and working people, and between lowest and highest incomes.

Regulatory and prevention measures introduced over 5 years are likely to have contributed to the unprecedented scale of decline in smoking prevalence. But smoking prevalence remains high compared to United Kingdom, Australia, and United States. These results support strong anti-smoking actions and reinforcing measures able to reduce the still pronounced social inequalities in smoking.
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