What is happening with the implementation of law on the protection of public health from tobacco products in Tirana, Albania?
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independent research
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A180
The aim of this writing is to tell the phenomenon that has begun to occur more and more in Tirana, Albania for several months. In Tirana, are set up new kiosks, where besides various products they trade as well tobacco products. What attracts attention in relation with the advertisement of tobacco products in these new kiosks is the fact that deliberately or unintentionally by lack of information, tobacco products are placed in such a way as to advertise tobacco products sold in kiosks. I want to talk about that part of law that talks about the ban on the advertisement of tobacco products. As we know, Law No. 9636, 'On the protection of public health from tobacco products', in force in Albania since May 2007, forbids the advertisement of tobacco products in any form whatsoever may appear. To explain better, I will make as well a poster presentation taken at various kiosks in Tirana where, tobacco products are placed in the interior of the kiosk and are sold by the seller of the kiosk, or these products are located in the outer parts kiosks which are not intended to be sold but simply to make tobacco products visible. In addition to the above fact that is in violation of the law, in some kiosks is also noticed another violation; tobacco products placed on the outside of the kiosk contain / exhibit on their background clearly parts of the brand, that are directly related to the tobacco product that is traded in the kiosk. Item 9 of Article 3 provides that “Brand” implies distinctive signs attached to tobacco products to indicate their type, quality and the manufacturer including their names, letters, numbers, symbolic signs, combination of colours or shades as well as a combination of them. As a result I want to raise awareness of this phenomenon to end the violation of this part of the law, and to share this in this conference with all that really cares in stopping and fighting tobacco.
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