Advocacy measures for tobacco control developed by faecap nurses
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Grupo de Tabaquismo de FAECAP. Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Familiar and Comunitaria
Sociedad Murciana de Enfermería Familiar and Comunitaria, Spain
Comité Nacional para la Prevención del Tabaquismo, Spain
Sociedad de Enfermería Familiar and Comunitaria de Asturias, Spain
Sociedad Madrileña de Enfermería Familiar and Comunitaria, Spain
Associació Balear d'Infermería Comunitària, Spain
Sociedad Científica de Enfermería Comunitaria Cántabra, Spain
Publication date: 2023-04-25
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement):A177
FAECAP brings together 14 Spanish Family and Community Nursing Associations. Its goal is to promote health and prevent diseases. For this reason, it promotes actions to tobacco control, as it is one of the main health problems. It has a Smoking Group, it is a member of the CNPT (National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking).

Describe the advocacy actions for tobacco control carried out in Spain from 2020 to 2022

Material and Methods:
The FAECAP smoking group collaborates with other institutions to promote the Tobacco Control Framework Agreement and the WHO MPOWER strategy: training, cessation assistance, community interventions, advocacy, etc.

After the meeting held with the Minister of Health in February 2020, the following has been carried out: - Document on "Tobacco de-escalation phases" together with Red ENT - Nursing intervention courses to quit smoking (virtual) - Consensus document on devices capable of delivering nicotine with the CNPT - Participation in forums to quit smoking of the Fundación más que Ideas - EVICT project (Evidence cannabis tobacco): training activities for professionals and students, information materials, webinars... - Manifestos to urge the Spanish government to declare smoke-free hotel establishments, together with, CNPT, ICO and QXNS! - Letters to the President of the Government and of the Autonomous Communities and to the European Commission requesting smoke-free spaces and to stop subsidizing tobacco production - Participation in the elaboration of the ENDGAME of tobacco in Spain, promoted by - Support for national and international manifestos to curb the interference of the tobacco industry and promote smoke-free spaces - Contribute considerations to the draft of the Comprehensive Plan on Tobacco - Awareness actions on social networks and at the community level - Informational/educational activities and materials aimed at the population and the educational community

Family and community nurses are a fundamental part of the tobacco control movement in Spain and the approach to smoking in multidisciplinary teams Collaboration between health associations and civil society strengthens advocacy actions It is necessary to continue promoting advocacy measures to promote tobacco control in our country, in an intersectoral manner
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