Assessing the usability of a willingness-to-quit smoking questionnaire in a sample of active tobacco smokers in Kenya: A qualitative study
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School of Health Sciences, University of Pecs, Pecs, Hungary
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A64
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Tobacco products are perhaps the most accessible addictive substances. There use contributes to numerous negative health outcomes both in the developed and developing world. Although indulging in smoking is easy, quitting has proven to be difficult.

To assess the usability of a willingness-to-quit questionnaire among active tobacco smokers in Kenya.

In the study, 25 active tobacco smokers and four healthcare providers (a medical specialist, a medical officer, a clinical officer, and a nursing officer) were interviewed. Participants were given the willingness-to-quit questionnaire and asked to fill it in and comment on its usability, ease of comprehension and its plausibility in the Kenyan healthcare system settings.

From the interviews, most participants demonstrated the willingness to quit smoking especially due to health threats it posed. Similarly, they mentioned that the willingness-to-quit questionnaire triggered the intention to quit smoking. Also, the questionnaire effectively guided the interviews between the clinicians and the patients interested in attempting quitting smoking.

The study participants demonstrated the willingness to quit smoking, and acknowledged the willingness-to-quit questionnaire as a useful tool to trigger tobacco cessation conversation.
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