Tobacco treatment delivery in cancer patients in Europe: The importance of quitting smoking after a cancer diagnosis
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European Cancer Patient Coalition, Brussels, Belgium
Study, Prevention and Oncologic Network Institute, Florence, Italy
Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A63
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Great progress has been recorded in cancer care during the past years. Although, it is well established that approximately 30% of cancer deaths are directly caused by smoking and there are evidence-based interventions, including behavioral therapy, available that can double or triple the rates of successful quitting. Unfortunately, these successful smoking cessation interventions are often neglected and are not incorporated in cancer treatment and recovery.
Continuing smoking after diagnosis affects the treatment outcomes, increases the mortality rates after treatment and the recurrence of cancer while increases the risk of a new cancer. On the other hand, quitting smoking after the cancer diagnosis can improve the treatment outcomes, prolong survival, and reduce the risk for new cancers.
All the above suggest that tobacco treatment delivery in cancer patients from the early stages of diagnosis is a unique opportunity to improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid new cancer development in the future.

Within this symposium, we aim to address the importance of smoking cessation during or after cancer treatment, highlighting the feasibility, availability, cost-effectiveness and efficacy in cancer treatment success and cancer recovery.
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