Effective science communication for public health: The Tobacco Atlas Germany 2020
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German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A45
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In Germany, the implementation of FCTC is lagging behind. To counter the intense lobbying by the tobacco industry, policymakers, public health advocates as well as journalists urgently need sound, but easily understandable scientific information to back additional policies for tobacco control.

Development of a comprehensive tobacco atlas to compile multifaceted scientific information in a single publication to facilitate communication of scientific evidence to policymakers in a straightforward, clear and illustrative way.

Compilation of relevant data on tobacco smoking and use of electronic nicotine delivery devices (ENDS), health effects and data on the tobacco industry. The number of tobacco-attributable deaths is calculated for Germany.

In a clear and illustrative way, the Tobacco Atlas Germany 2020 compiles recent data on the consumption of tobacco products and ENDS, their health effects, the death toll of smoking as well as the costs of smoking to society. The atlas describes tobacco control efforts and pitfalls in Germany and compares German tobacco control to tobacco control in other European countries. The information is given by illustrative graphics, completed by short, easily understandable text information.

Due to its comprehensive, but highly illustrative and comprehensible information, the Tobacco Atlas Germany 2020 is a valuable, comprehensive reference book for policymakers, media and multiplicators.
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