Smoking behaviour and intention to quit among Romanian adults who have relatives with cancer or cardiovascular diseases
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Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Publication date: 2020-10-22
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(Supplement):A44
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Smoking cessation is an important pillar for prevention and control of chronic diseases, while the moment of diagnoses of such a disease among adults or their relatives might prompt the desire and motivation for quitting smoking.

The aim of this study is an assessment of smoking behaviour and intention to quit smoking among Romanian adults having relatives with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) or cancer.

The study was performed in 3 hospital settings from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. It involved 180 adults (90 men and 90 women) who had relatives with diagnoses of CVD and 320 adults (160 men and 160 women) having relatives with cancer. Data were collected through anonymous questionnaires.

The results show that among people having relatives with CVD, 26.1% were current smokers (smoked in the last week), while 28.1% of the people who had relatives with cancer declared current smoking. Around one-third of the smokers declared that they would like to quit smoking in the next six months, this intention being associated with several factors related to attitudes about advantages and disadvantages of smoking, social influences, as well as self-efficacy and action plans for smoking cessation declared by them.

Assessment of smoking behaviour and appropriate services for smoking cessation should be offered to Romanian adults having relatives with chronic diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases.
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