Enhancing the legislation and implementation of tobacco control policies in Türkiye
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Turkish Green Crescent Society, Istanbul, Turkey
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Sedef Erçetin Gencosmanoğlu   

Turkish Green Crescent Society, Istanbul, Turkey
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A15
Turkish Green Crescent Society (TGCS) is an NGO working on tackling different kinds of addictions; namely tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, with a particular focus on vulnerable populations. The work of TGCS can be summarized as conducting prevention, recovery, rehabilitation, social reintegration, and advocacy work, and these are based solely on evidence and science to be able to have a global vision. TGCS carries out collaborations and partnerships with public and private entities such as Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to enhance the legislation and implementation of tobacco control policies in order to raise the protection standards in Türkiye. In this regard, the presentation of TGCS at the AGM will be focusing on three sub-topics: First, TGCS’s recent advocacy activities on tobacco control; which include legislation improvement suggestions to be submitted to national decision-making bodies. These suggestions include a better definition of smoke-free places that fits to the description of FCTC, creating smoke-free outdoor spaces in neighborhoods of educational facilities, decreasing the extensity/plurality of point-of-sales of tobacco products, and limiting the visibility of tobacco products in point-of-sales where children also have a free entrance. Secondly, we will be explaining the monitoring project targeting points-of-sales that TGCS conducts all around Türkiye via its nationwide branches. We are collecting data and evidence on the implementation gaps and/or systematic violations of tobacco control legislation via our workers and supporters nationwide. These works also constitute a convincing justification package for legislation improvement ideas set forth above. Lastly, the presentation will then include TGCS’s mobile application on tobacco cessation, which was made available during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have a solid public health service that attracts more appeal each day.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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