IQOS- HYBRID product a new trap?
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National Institute of Pneumology Bucharest, Romania
Publication date: 2018-06-13
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A56
Very recent in December 2017 –“The International Union against tuberculosis and lung diseases” published his position on “Heat-Not-Burn Tobacco Products”(HNB) .It is important to know this report because it’s one of the first official reactions against the new generation of tobacco products . This new “attractive” offers are now everywhere, even in Romania. IQOS is one of them with very clear objectives announced by tobacco industry. Aims The authors are trying to find out the key of the new politics of the tobacco industry in offering this type of product

Material and Methods:
Method We are comparing what the studies of the tobacco industry are saying and what are the realities of the consequences of implementing on the market of this product.

We are emphasising with new evidence that’s another lie and another type of trap for the potential smokers. Arguments are more evident from one month to another.

This is a new attitude and another kind of strategy of tobacco industry where we have to know more for counteracting in time.

No funding from any pharmaceutical company or tobacco industry
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