Nurses role in tobacco control – workplace health promotion and education
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German Network for Tobacco-free Healthcare Services, Germany
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Christa Rustler   

German Network for Tobacco-free Healthcare Services, Germany
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A81
Nursing counseling is effective in tobacco cessation (Rice, Stead, 2013). Unfortunately, up to 50 % nursing students in Germany smoke. Any intervention to reduce tobacco use in nursing helps to improve individual health and to strengthen the role of nurses in tobacco cessation. Nurses also have an important role to support the strategy for a tobacco-free Germany 2040, according to which less than five percent of adults and less than two percent of adolescents should use tobacco products or e-cigarettes (dkfz 2021).

Objective / Methods:
To reduce tobacco consumption, a nursing education program was developed that includes workplace health promotion, healthy lifestyle, stress prevention, and tobacco cessation. The implementation is funded by the sickness insurance DAK-Gesundheit. Funding is based on implementation research findings and schools must follow program quality criteria when applying for it. An implementation team is set up and the program will be integrated in the school curriculum. Teachers are trained and supported in a systematic implementation process over several months. Quality and effects of the program are evaluated via surveys and workshops.

The intervention can successfully be implemented in nursing schools and was rewarded with the WHO World No Tobacco Day Award 2021. Program evaluation show 50 % of students participate in cessation courses. Results are a significant decrease in smoking prevalence (51 % to 46 %) and increase in motivation to quit (28 % to 36 %). Interesting is also that quitters use more healthy stress management strategies compared to continued smokers (Bühler et al.). The results provide arguments for a norm shaping campaign within the nursing profession in Germany towards tobacco free care and to develop health protecting work conditions. To support this improvement, participation, exchange and development of good practice in regional networks as well as interprofessional and international networks will be established.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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