Ukraine is grappling with the consequences of the unregulated promotion of HTPs and vapes
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Advocacy Center LIFE, Kyiv, Ukraine
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Dmytro Kupyra   

Advocacy Center LIFE, Kyiv, Ukraine
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A33
Until January 1, 2021, there were no restrictions on the sale and promotion of HTPs, HTP devices, e-cigarettes, and e-liquids in Ukraine, except for prohibiting smoking e-cigarettes in designated public places. The tobacco industry aggressively promoted the concept of alternative tobacco and nicotine consumption, leading to a staggering increase in e-cigarette use among 13-15 y. o. children. In 2017, the GYTS survey revealed an 18.4% prevalence of e-cigarette smoking in that age group. The decline in tobacco use has halted among the adult population, and there is a concerning trend of increasing tobacco and nicotine consumption, particularly among youth and women.

Control over advertising and using HTPs and e-cigarettes.

The public has appealed to the WHO FCTC policies, its guiding principles, decisions made by FCTC parties, and Directive 2014/40/EU. Through collaborative efforts between the public and tobacco control advocates in Parliament, a comprehensive anti-tobacco law, Law No. 1978-IX, was successfully passed.

As of June 1, 2022, HTP products were classified as tobacco products, subject to corresponding requirements such as health warnings and advertising and promotion bans. Textual health warnings were also mandated for e-cigarettes and liquids. From July 11, 2022, smoking HTP in designated places, including all public premises, was prohibited, with airports being the only exception. From July 11, 2023, a new set of measures to protect the population from tobacco and ENDS will come into effect: the ban on selling flavored e-liquids, cigarettes and rolling tobacco. the ban on advertising of HTP devices, e-cigarettes, and e-liquids e-cigarette, e-liquid content requirements in accordance with Directive 2014/40/EU.

Research shows that cafés, bars, and restaurants comply with the ban on smoking HTPs and e-cigarettes indoors. Ukraine is confidently moving towards reducing the popularity of HTP and ENDS, especially among children and youth.
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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