Volunteering and health promotion: High school students for a tobacco free generation
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European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention Youth Group, Brussels, Belgium
National College, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Publication date: 2023-10-08
Corresponding author
Darius Lotrean   

European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention Youth Group, Brussels, Belgium
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A85
Volunteering includes a wide range of activities which contribute to the achievement of a shared goal in Tobacco Control, a Tobacco Free Generation by 2040. Voluntary Youth Engagement is crucial for reaching that goal.

This study aims to evaluate the opinion of students, professors and parents on volunteering and activities to promote health, presenting an activity to promote health organized by high school students and analyzing trends in the romanian population.

Material and Methods:
7 high school students from George Coșbuc National College chose to support the European Citizen Initiative: CALL TO ACHIEVE A TOBACCO-FREE ENVIRONMENT AND THE FIRST EUROPEAN TOBACCO-FREE GENERATION BY 2030 by filming a presentation video. The activity was presented at school days. A multiple-choice question form has been disseminated among parents, teachers and students to assess their opinion on volunteering, activities to promote health and the factors that influence the choice to partake. Frequency tables and bivariate correlations (significance considered at p<0.05) in JASP were used. Google Trends has been used to assess topics of interest in the romanian population (2016-2023). RSV (Relative Search Volume) is the measure that indicates the popularity of a topic (1-lowest- to 100 -highest).

Out of 44 participants (27 Students, 7 Teachers and 10 Parents) the vast majority (88.63%) agreed totally that volunteering is important for self-development. Both parents and teachers were more likely to consider the influence of Parents on their children/students higher than the students themselves. Data from Google Trends showed that Nature and Health are more popular topics than Smoking and Electronic cigarettes, while volunteering had the lowest RSV compared to those topics.

Volunteering is considered beneficial and topics such as Health and Nature are popular in Romania. To consider students' interests, popular topics and trends is important for youth mobilization.

The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
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