Predictors of the past 30-days e-cigarette use among adolescents in Armenia
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Turpanjian College of Health Sciences, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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Zhanna Sargsyan   

Turpanjian College of Health Sciences, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A64
We explored the predictors for past 30-days e-cigarette use among adolescents in Armenia, with the goal of informing evidence-based interventions and regulatory measures to address the emerging public health concern of youth e-cigarette use.

We conducted a survey in the capital Yerevan and an adjacent region in February 2023. Study participants were 15-17 years old students of private and public high schools. The instrument contained items on adolescents’ socio-demographics, ever and past 30-days e-cigarette use, and main reasons for ever using e-cigarettes. Multivariable regression explored the association between past 30-days e-cigarette use (categorized as used/not used) and the most common three reasons for ever using, while adjusting for gender, parental employment, school type, and residency area.

Overall, 366 adolescents completed the survey. The majority were females (64.4%), living in Yerevan (71.3%), and studying in public schools (77.0%). About 96.5% had employed fathers, while only 76.2% had employed mothers. Ever e-cigarette users (41.7%) reported the main reasons for using as flavors (37.7%), curiosity (33.1%), and friends’ use (18.5%). Majority of ever users (53.7%) used e-cigarettes for at least one day in the past 30 days. In the multivariable logistic regression, those who reported flavors as the main reason for ever using e-cigarettes had higher odds of using them in the past 30-days than those who did not (OR=3.97, p=0.008). Being male vs female (OR=4.21, p=0.004) and attending public vs private school (OR=3.67, p=0.038) were also significantly associated with past 30-days e-cigarette use in the adjusted analysis.

Our study links past 30-days e-cigarette use in Armenian adolescents to being male, attending public schools, and reporting flavors as the main reason for ever using. To address the escalating youth e-cigarette use in the country, targeted interventions should prioritize male students in public schools and consider banning flavored e-cigarette products.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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