Topic Prevention of tobacco use
Exposure to e-cigarette and heated tobacco product advertisements via digital, traditional media, and points-of sale: An examination of associations with use intentions and perceived risk among adults in Armenia and Georgia
Zhanna Sargsyan,
Ana Dekanosidze,
Varduhi Hayrumyan,
Arevik Torosyan,
Yuxian Cui,
Lilit Grigoryan,
Nour Alayan,
Varduhi Petrosyan,
Alexander Bazarchyan,
Lela Sturua,
Regine Haardörfer,
Michelle C. Kegler,
Carla J. Berg
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(October):46
A newborn in tobacco control: OXY Belgium
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(Supplement 1):A2
Factors associated with support for social enforcement of smoke-free policies in Georgia and Armenia
Cassidy R. LoParco,
Ana Dekanosidze,
Arevik Torosyan,
Lilit Grigoryan,
Varduhi Hayrumyan,
Zhanna Sargsyan,
Yuxian Cui,
Darcey McCready,
Regine Haardörfer,
Nour Alayan,
Michelle C. Kegler,
Alexander Bazarchyan,
Lela Sturua,
Marina Topuridze,
Carla J. Berg
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(August):37
Tobacco endgame measures and their adaptation in selected European countries: A narrative review synthesis
Otto Ruokolainen,
Hanna Ollila,
Tiina Laatikainen,
Salla-Maaria Pätsi,
Giulia Carreras,
Giuseppe Gorini,
Dolors Carnicer-Pont,
Zsuzsa Cselkó,
Romain Guignard,
Maria Karekla,
Biljana Kilibarda,
Helena Koprivnikar,
Angeliki Lambrou,
Viêt Nguyen-Thanh,
Efstathios Papachristou,
Sotiria Schoretsaniti,
Milena Vasic
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(April):18
Menthol and related compounds in waterpipe products
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2024;10(February):9
EUREST-RISE: An innovative networking and training project on European Tobacco Control
Cornel Radu-Loghin,
Karina Mocanu,
Hani Al Gouhmani,
Constantine Vardavas,
Ioanna Lagou,
Zinovia Plyta,
Aikaterini Papathanasaki,
Stella Vogiatzidaki,
Alexander Vardavas,
Manolis Tzatzarakis,
Aristidis Tsatsakis,
Filippos Filippidis,
Christina Kyriakos,
Esteve Fernandez,
Olena Tigova,
Cristina Martinez,
Anna Mar Lopez Luque,
Marius Eremia,
Lucia Maria Lotrean,
Antigona Trofor,
Thomas Wenzl,
Bill Simpson,
Pippa Powell,
Polina Starchenko,
Angeliki Bakou,
Eleni Asimaki,
Victoria Vivilaki
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(April):12
Prevalence and factors associated with tobacco use among beneficiaries attending the youth mental health promotion clinics (Yuvaspandana Kendra) in India: A case-record analysis
Gautham M. Sukumar,
Pradeep Banandur,
Vaishali Dagar,
Shubhi Nema,
Sathya R. Velu,
Arvind Banavaram,
Vani Naik,
Virupaksha Gangappa,
Mutharaju Arelingaiah,
Lavanya Garady,
Subhash C. Lakshminarayan,
Shalini Rajneesh,
Gururaj Gopalkrishna
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(October):37
It is time to ban flavor capsule cigarettes
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(June):22
Methods of the 2020 (Wave 1) International Tobacco Control (ITC) Korea Survey
Anne C. K. Quah,
Sungkyu Lee,
Hong Gwan Seo,
Sung-il Cho,
Sujin Lim,
Yeol Kim,
Steve S. Xu,
Matthew Grey,
Mi Yan,
Christian Boudreau,
Mary E. Thompson,
Pete Driezen,
Geoffrey T. Fong
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(March):13
Lung cancer in Europe: The way forward
Monica Racovita,
Eleanor Wheeler,
Suzanne Wait,
Dani Bancroft,
Rowan Eastabrook,
Tit Albreht,
Anne-Marie Baird,
Jacek Jassem,
Aoife E. McNamara,
Silvia Novello,
Cornel Radu-Loghin,
Jan P. van Meerbeeck
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2022;8(February):6
Tobacco use and related behaviors among staff and students in a university hospital: A large cross-sectional survey
Emmanuel Grolleau,
Véronique Fonteille,
Caroline Lebourgeois,
Marie Darrason,
Philippe Michel,
Delphine Ragonnet,
Gilles Freyer,
Amélie Deculty,
Carine Gippet,
Céline Leclerq,
Carole Neugnot,
Radoudja Malek,
Odile Perdriolat,
Michele Rigaud,
Séverine Torrecillas,
Maud-Catherine Barral,
Pierre-Jean Souquet,
Jean-Baptiste Fassier,
Lénaïck Tanguy,
Benjamin Rolland,
Sébastien Couraud,
for the Hospices Civils de Lyon COLT committee
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2021;7(July):49
Association of health warning labels and motivation to quit waterpipe tobacco smoking among university students in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Dina Farran,
Grace Khawam,
Rima Nakkash,
Juhan Lee,
Nivine Abu-Rmeileh,
Muhammad W. Darawad,
Aya Mostafa,
Khalid A. Kheirallah,
Mohamed Salama,
Randah R. Hamadeh,
James F. Thrasher,
Ramzi G. Salloum
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2021;7(June):44
World Oral Health Day 2021
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2021;7(March):21
Good practice regarding smoking cessation management in Spain: Challenges and opportunities for primary care physicians and nurses
Carlos Martin-Cantera,
Jose M. Iglesias Sanmartín,
Ana Furió Martínez,
Cesar Minué Lorenzo,
Vidal Barchilón Cohen,
Maria L. Clemente Jiménez,
Sara Cascón Pérez-Teijón,
Joan A. Ribera i Osca,
Rodrigo Córdoba García,
Joan Lozano Fernández,
Miguel A. Gallardo Domenech,
Maria A. Mendiguren Navascues,
Emilio Salguero Chaves,
María L. Rodríguez Ibañez,
Victoria Gueto Rubio,
Susana Morena Rayo,
Bruno Marioni Otero,
Lucia Gorreto Lopez,
Francisco Camarelles Guillem,
Fernando Martín Fuente,
Diego Beni Ruiz,
Alicia I. Hernández Rodríguez,
Juan De Dios González Caballero,
Cruz Bartolomé Moreno,
Mercé Pau Pubil,
Merce Lopez Grau
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2020;6(September):55
Denormalising tobacco at a Danish music festival
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2019;5(October):35
Smoking Prevalence in Greece
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2018;4(Supplement):A7